
Wiosna zbliża się wielkimi krokami, ale niestety nie tylko wraz z nią przyroda odradza się do życia. Odpady na terenach leśnych to problem, który kwitnie wraz z nadejściem cieplejszych dni.

Sale of wood, christmas trees and saplings

The Wolsztyn Forest District sells 12 kinds of multidimensional wood, saplings of variety of plant species and, before Christmas, also conifer trees.

Hunting offer

Hunters and foresters undertake a series of actions to limit damage caused by game (deer, roe deer, elk and wild boar). At times of severe winters they feed animals and attempt to limit damage to forest cultivation and farming. On the area of Wolsztyn Forest District one can find big game such as red deer, fallow deer, elk, wild boar as well as small game like hare, pheasant and badgers.

Fire hazards

Wolsztyn Forest District is of the highest fire risk level (level 1).