About Forest District

Wolsztyn Forest District is located on the border between Wielkopolskie and lubuskie provinces. It is within the administrative reach of five communes: Wolsztyn, Siedlec, Zbąszyń, Kargowa and Kolsko. It is one of twenty forest districts of Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra.

Forest resources

Poland belongs to the group of countries of the biggest forest area in Europe. Woodiness of Poland, as a percentage ratio of forests to land surfaces is 29.7%. Average affulence of Polish forests is 206 cubic metres per hectare and is nearly twice the average European value.


Forest unless came to being naturally is planted by foresters.

Forest protection

Knowledge on processes occurring in nature and control of forest environment state allow foresters to diagnose early dangers which may negatively affect the forest. Forest protection is one of the basic fields of activity in a forest district. Each year they undertake actions aiming at retaining forest stability and increasing its natural resistance to destructive factors.

Forest use

Usage of forest is taking advantage of its resources - logging, collecting fruits of the forest, plants and their parts to be used in pharmaceutical industry, acquiring pines, exploitation of mines and other. Foresters allow society use the gifts of the forest but in a way assuring its continuity.

Forest management

Forest management by State Forests is carried out on the basis of 10-year forest organization plan drawn up for forest districts. On behalf of State forests they are implemented by specialised forest services, such as Forest Organization Office and Forest Geodesy.


As 1995 "Hunting law" states - Hunting is an element of natural environment.

Supervision over private forests

Lasy prywatne stanowią ok. 17 proc. lasów w Polsce. Ponad 70 proc. starostw prowadzenie nadzoru nad gospodarką leśną w lasach prywatnych, powierza leśnikom z Lasów Państwowych.